Hatha Yoga in Harbottle

THURSDAY Evenings 6pm – 7:30pm
Harbottle Village Hall,
A gentle weekly hatha yoga evening class, suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience.
The Harbottle class is held in the village hall above the NHS’ Harbottle Surgery.
Access is through the red side door to the right of the building.
All welcome!
For more information contact us.

“I go to the Thursday evening Hatha yoga, in Harbottle.
I had spent years thinking that my rheumatoid arthritis would prevent me from taking part in yoga but how wrong I was!
Ali and Judie are both incredibly aware of the needs of the people in their class, and are very skilled at providing alternatives if something is not possible – always making one feel it’s never a bother.
I have learned to be kind in exercising my body. I have learned to become aware of and attend to my strengths and weaknesses. I appreciate the combination of physical and mental practice.
The class is always heart-warming – there is laughter and concern and hard work and relaxation.
I always feel better for going, no matter what is going on in life. I can’t recommend this class enough.”

Enjoy Judali Yoga
“One day I sat in the woods, which I found to be stunningly different than walking ‘through’ the woods.
And in the sitting, the woods jumped to life with a spirited activity that I had scarcely ever seen or known to exist.
And as I sat there turning this way and that in order to draw it all in, I thought that it was not the woods coming alive.
Rather, it was me coming to a halt.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Click on the lotus flower image below to download and listen to a free YOGA NIDRA guided relaxation.

Caution: Listening to this download will relax you.
It should not be played in any situation that requires you to be alert, such as driving a vehicle, or operating machinery.
Click below to see a gentle GOOD MORNING SEQUENCE.
A simple series of stretches to start the day, with your awareness focussed on your breath.
Caution: Feet are parallel, knees are slightly bent not locked, spine remains straight. Move gently with the rhythm of your breath.
Repeat 3 – 5 times to begin with. Stop and rest when you need to.
Be good to yourself
Be kind to yourself
Be happy