Judali Yoga offer four hatha yoga classes every week, as well as monthly Judali Aerial Yoga classes, in local village halls.
Judali Yoga also offer a weekly online hatha yoga class, and a pranayama and meditation class for experienced meditators, via Zoom.
All Judali Yoga classes are small, friendly, inclusive classes. You are most welcome!

TUESDAY Mornings 10am – 11:30am
Upper Room, All Saint’s Parish Hall, Rothbury
Start your day with our friendly, weekly hatha yoga morning class, suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience.
TUESDAY Evenings ONLINE 7pm – 8:30pm
A general online weekly hatha yoga evening class, suitable for beginners and those with more experience.
“I love my weekly yoga classes, they replenish my soul!
My family know that Tuesday night is my night and I banish them from the living room, light a candle and enjoy 90 mins of ‘me’ time.Due to a new job, I can no longer attend their live classes, so I love the fact I can join the class online – the relaxing bit is fab, as when you finish you’re at home and you get the best night’s sleep!
Thank you Judali Yoga, you’ve been part of my life for many years now and you’ve really helped me clear my mind and be grateful.”
WEDNESDAY Evenings 7pm – 8:30pm
Upper Room, All Saint’s Parish Hall, Rothbury
A playful weekly hatha yoga evening class, suitable for beginners and those with more experience.
THURSDAY Mornings 10am – 11:30am
Upper Room, All Saint’s Parish Hall, Rothbury
A gentle weekly hatha yoga morning class, suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience, using props (chairs, etc).
“I have been practicing hatha yoga with Judali Yoga for nearly 6 years now, typically twice per week in class, along with elements of the practice at home and in life generally.
Consequently, I am feeling the benefit from the regular routines which Judali Yoga teach, both mentally and physically. I have met some lovely people, made new friends and have learnt many things – and no doubt will continue to do so.
I really look forward to my classes, which provide me with a good balance of physical exercise, techniques for relaxation, meditation and of course lots of laughs!
Judali encourage you to be kind, be happy and be good to yourself, certainly life skills worth having.”
THURSDAY Evenings 6pm – 7:30pm
Harbottle Village Hall, Harbottle
A gentle weekly hatha yoga evening class, suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience.
THURSDAY Evenings ONLINE 6:30pm – 7:30pm
A weekly hour of online pranayama (breath work), relaxation (rest), and meditation (relaxed awareness).
“My first Judali Yoga lesson was a raffle prize 5 years ago, and now yoga is an integral part of my life.
Classes are the highlights of my week and with every class I learn something new: asana brings me energy and strength, whilst pranayama and meditation let me step back and start afresh.
I remember Ali once said: ‘We spend most of our lives inside our heads – make it a happy place to be’. And I can truly say that yoga helped me find my happy place.
Thank you Judali Yoga, for bringing peace, balance and gratitude into my life – that raffle ticket was my luckiest indeed.”
Find out more about Judali Hatha Yoga.
MONTHLY SUNDAY Afternoons 2pm – 4pm
Main Room, Ingram Village Hall, Ingram
Two delicious hours to immerse yourself in the joys of Judali Aerial Yoga, every month throughout the summer, combining basic aerial skills with hatha yoga practice to build strength and flexibility, using a soft fabric hammock and gravity as your playmates.

Find out more about Judali Aerial Yoga in Ingram.
For more information and bookings contact us.

Enjoy Judali Yoga
“One day I sat in the woods, which I found to be stunningly different than walking ‘through’ the woods.
And in the sitting, the woods jumped to life with a spirited activity that I had scarcely ever seen or known to exist.
And as I sat there turning this way and that in order to draw it all in, I thought that it was not the woods coming alive.
Rather, it was me coming to a halt.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Click on the lotus flower image below to download and listen to a free YOGA NIDRA guided relaxation.

Caution: Listening to this download will relax you.
It should not be played in any situation that requires you to be alert, such as driving a vehicle, or operating machinery.
Click below to see a gentle GOOD MORNING SEQUENCE.
A simple series of stretches to start the day, with your awareness focussed on your breath.
Caution: Feet are parallel, knees are slightly bent not locked, spine remains straight. Move gently with the rhythm of your breath.
Repeat 3 – 5 times to begin with. Stop and rest when you need to.
Be good to yourself
Be kind to yourself
Be happy