Hatha Yoga
Judali Yoga are delighted to welcome you to their weekly
Hatha Yoga classes in village halls.
“There is no end point in yoga, no perfect posture.
All practice is good.”
A warm welcome awaits you – whatever your age, ability, ethnicity, faith, gender or orientation – at Judali Yoga’s small, friendly adult hatha yoga classes.
“Judali Yoga was the best thing I ever started doing for myself.
I always wanted to give yoga ago but always had the fear of not been able to do it and making a *** of myself.I found out through word of mouth that Judali Yoga was coming to our local village hall and everyone was welcome, from beginners to experienced yogis.
A few local ladies including myself thought we’d give it a go together, well what can I say, it was the best thing I ever did.
I felt welcomed from the day I stepped into the hall and never looked back. They became my friends, my family, and taught me to look after myself and put myself first.
My body changed and I gained strength and confidence in my practice. Everything I practiced I enjoyed. I was able to take my practice home to do in my own time whenever I was feeling low, or in need of some relaxation and time for myself. My husband also came to practice with me and became part of the Judali Yoga family.
Judie and Ali are an amazing team, who will make you feel welcome and very much part of their yoga family. They will teach you how to enjoy your practice without making you feel uncomfortable and out of your comfort zone.”
Please refrain from attending any Judali Yoga class if you are experiencing any symptoms that may be contagious to others.

“It is only possible to find the qualities that are essential to asana if we recognise our own starting point and learn to accept it.”
T.K.V. Desikachar
Enjoy Judali Yoga
“One day I sat in the woods, which I found to be stunningly different than walking ‘through’ the woods.
And in the sitting, the woods jumped to life with a spirited activity that I had scarcely ever seen or known to exist.
And as I sat there turning this way and that in order to draw it all in, I thought that it was not the woods coming alive.
Rather, it was me coming to a halt.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Click on the lotus flower image below to download and listen to a free YOGA NIDRA guided relaxation.

Caution: Listening to this download will relax you.
It should not be played in any situation that requires you to be alert, such as driving a vehicle, or operating machinery.
Click below to see a gentle GOOD MORNING SEQUENCE.
A simple series of stretches to start the day, with your awareness focussed on your breath.
Caution: Feet are parallel, knees are slightly bent not locked, spine remains straight. Move gently with the rhythm of your breath.
Repeat 3 – 5 times to begin with. Stop and rest when you need to.
Be good to yourself
Be kind to yourself
Be happy